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martedì 24 febbraio 2015

The new ME Barcelona Hotel, luxury lifestyle in the heart of Barcelona

ME Barcelona Hotel,
luxury lifestyle in the heart of Barcelona

With a premium location, the project confirms the excellent outlook for travel to the city

The most innovative Meliá brand will also open in Milan and Miami this year and in Dubai in 2016

Meliá Hotels International today announced the addition of a new five star hotel in Barcelona to be operated under the ME by Meliá flag, the company's most innovative brand. ME by Meliá is already a great success in cities such as London and Madrid and in the world's top resort destinations, and is growing very selectively in the capitals of fashion, finance and culture.

The new ME Barcelona will provide 173 rooms and all the brand's attributes and standards, including the "Aura Manager" to personally attend to the stay of each and every guest, ensuring a truly unique and unforgettable experience. The hotel will also offer innovative dining options, business and social areas, and the latest technology, aiming to become the new hub of the city's social life. To stay one step ahead, ME hotels work with prestigious international partners such as the New York based "One Group" in London and Miami, "En Compañía de Lobos" in Madrid and Mallorca, and the famous "Nikki Beach" in Mallorca and Ibiza.

Actual Capital Advisor, a company dedicated to the management of real estate projects in several countries, and with operations in Barcelona, Warsaw and New York, is responsible for the overall development of the project which will be completed in 2017 and involves the demolition of the current building - the site of the former Hotel Barcelona - and the construction of a new 15-storey building (five in the basement, plus 9 floors and roof terrace) as well as a car park and retail outlets. OUA, led by Jordi Artigas, and Fito Architects will be responsible for the design of the project and construction management, respectively. A hallmark of the ME brand is the involvement of the finest architects and designers, such as Zaha Hadid in Dubai, Norman Foster in London, and Aldo Rossi in Milan, amongst others.

According to Gabriel Escarrer, Vice Chairman and CEO of Meliá Hotels International, "We really wanted to create a truly stunning project for our ME brand in Barcelona, to be measured against the hotels the brand already has in London and Madrid, and the ones that will open soon in Miami, Milan and Dubai. Thanks to its features and location, the future ME Barcelona is the hotel that we dreamed about for this universal city".


About Meliá Hotels International
Founded in 1956 in Palma de Mallorca (Spain), Meliá Hotels International is one of the largest hotel companies worldwide as well as the absolute leader within the Spanish market, with more than 370 hotels (current portfolio and pipeline) throughout more than 40 countries and 4 continents under the brands: Gran Meliá, Meliá Hotels & Resorts, Paradisus Resorts, ME by Meliá, Innside by Meliá, Tryp by Wyndham and Sol Hoteles. The strategic focus on international growth has allowed Meliá Hotels International to be the first Spanish hotel company with presence in key markets such as China, the Arabian Gulf or the US, as well as maintaining its leadership in traditional markets such as Europe, Latin America or the Caribbean. Its high degree of globalization, a diversified business model, the consistent growth plan supported by strategic alliances with major investors and its commitment to responsible tourism are the major strengths of Meliá Hotels International, being the Spanish Hotel leader in Corporate Reputation (Merco Ranking) and one of the most attractive to work worldwide.

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