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martedì 23 agosto 2016

Classical India Tour at Classic Price, helping travelers connect specialists

7 NIGHTS CLASSICAL INDIA TOUR [ $499 / Person (Min 2 pax)]

Validity 01 Oct 2016 till 31 March 2017 (not valid from 20 Dec 2016 till 05 Jan 2017)

Classical India is one of the most sought after programs for any tourist visiting India. . Classical India tour lets you catch a glimpse of immensely beautiful destinations of north India. Be it the beautiful architectural city of Jaipur built of Red sandstone or one of the wonders of the world - the Taj Mahal either the visit to the temple of Kama Sutra - Khajuraho or the boat ride on the Ganges river in the ancient city of Varanasi when the dawn hovers, name one beautifully exotic and spectacular destination, and north India never fails to surprise you with what it has store in for you. Spread over the span of eight days this tour lets you surrender in the tranquillity of north India. Pack your bags and this tour would be the most cherished travel experience...More Info

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  • 7 Nights accommodation sharing twin (2 Nights Delhi, 2 Nights Jaipur, 1 Night Agra, 1 Night Khajuraho & 2 Nights Varanasi)
  • Room + Breakfast basis
  • Air Conditioned transport
  • Local guides as per the city tours mentioned in the program
  • Elephant ride at Fort Amber in Jaipur
  • Train ride from Agra to Jhansi in AC chair car
  • Boat ride in Ganges sharing common boat
  • Rickshaw ride in Varanasi
  • All presently applicable taxes
  • Items of personal nature
  • Any airfare on Khajuraho – Varanasi – Delhi sector
  • Entrance fees at the monuments
  • Anything which is not mentioned above


Art of Travel India Holidays Pvt. Ltd.

Flat No. 683, DDA New LIG Flats, Mayur Vihar -3, Delhi - 110096.
Phone: +91-11-65374461 | QQ- 2309286436 | Email:
MSN chat | Skype id: nshorawal


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